real magic wands
makers of wands

This site is not a Harry Potter gift shop. You are in the right place if you are a lightworker and feel called to work with a magic wand. Please, get to know our commitment ...

Wand making is about being one with the creation that flows out, then I grab what wants to manifest as a wand. There are two types of materialization, in one case the creator manifested her/himself earlier in the sorcerer and seeks his companion in creation as a wand. In the other case, the force found the wand, who is looking for the one with whom it works.

"I am present through my existence"

Chef, Owner: Atonala

Each wand chooses its own raw materials, which we ask from the spirit of the tree or the place. The preparation process does not separate the raw materials from nature, it is a continuous ceremony at the end of which an inspection and offering is made to the corresponding spiritual entity.


New! Workshop, where we make own wands. We make a pendulums, and make a wand for remove cruise, and a crystal wand too. You can join this workshop via link. Wand Makers Workshop - link.

When you feel the call, go to MyWand section.